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What I Found In This Mausoleum Will Haunt Me Forever

The return to the cemetery of horrors – Part 2 #cemetery #grave #travel

Part 3 to follow soon…..

Part 1 (revisit) https://youtu.be/iitQyPNY8Po

Playlist from my original visit:

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  1. Quel dommage ce manque d’entretien ….. pourtant représentation d’une époque et d’un magnifique art funéraire qui n’existe plus de nos jours. Une question concernant le délabrement de certaines sépultures :s’agit-il d’un délabrement dû à la vétusté ou de dégradations volontaires humaines ?

  2. My spirit would feel incredibly disrespected if I came back in spirit form and saw my skeletal remains all broken up on a coffin shelf for all to see. It should be a prisonable offence for the owners of the graveyard land to let it get in this state. Imagine the vast amount of money families have paid to be placed there in all those elegantly built final resting places. It's sooooo very sad.

  3. Ese mal olor es la muerte.Yo lo he olido.Nada más en los cementerios no se percibe.En otros lados también..Es una potestad espiritual.Puede enfermar porque es de una baja vibración.😷😷😷😷😷

  4. Em breve, brevíssimo, só haverá cremações. Não existirão mais, cemitérios.
    Não mais espaço, respeito e segurança.
    Será mais seguro cremar e em muitos países, essa prática já é comum.
    Assim como células de dinheiro; não existirão mais. Em muitos países, não existem mais.
    Essa é a tendência.
    Cemiterios com tumbas e mausoléus, serão lembranças e estarão desativados.
    Tudo muda, até as prioridades.
    A proteção aos corpos dos mortos, terá um novo viés.

  5. δεν έχω καταλάβει που βρίσκεται αυτο το χωριό των νεκρων αλλά κάποια κτίρια έχουν εντονα το ελληνικό στοιχείο είναι αριστουργηματα άλλης εποχής θα έπρεπε να υπάρχει συντήρηση

  6. I'm Italian and I'm sorry that Italy makes a bad impression for this video which is clearly an old abandoned cemetery, moreover in Naples which is the worst city in Italy where they only care about things! in Italy the cemeteries are not so badly kept, at least here in Northern Italy

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