Sunday Funday with Ouija Brothers and Ghosts on Trent

Ouiba Bros Ste, Ghosts on Trent Paul, wakka wakky paranormal, mr Grey and Beardo play the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game
intro music by
White Bat Audio
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Really enjoyed this, u, TOB, Paul, Wakka and MrGrey. Gotta watch another
I really enjoyed this it was fun.xx

Five hours……. Let’s do this.
I was watching Adam Mark’s latest urban exploring video last night and even after many of his latest videos I have noticed that he always says pretty much the same thing. Many of these old and abandoned places he visits he would refer to as “a house completely frozen in time”. It seems that with some of the places he visits there’s always some sort of tragic story behind them. He mentions in his narrative that the owner of the house had died there. It often makes me wonder how does he know that someone had died there. There’s always some sort of morbid story attached to some of these places and that their spirits still linger at that house. I also starting to grow annoyed by the sound of his voice in the opening narrations in his videos. As I was watching (or rather listening to) his latest video, I tried to found out whereabouts in France is this so so-called “Mushroom Manor”. I tried searching it on Google and the only Mushroom Manor there is is in a video game! The creepy doll house Adam also visits in the video I believe is in France. There’s also one somewhere in Spain too!
Fun day!
Hi Beardo. I'm subscribed to your channel and I love it. Your very good at what you do, I also am subscribed to Ghost Theory. In this awful world we live in wouldn't it be great to be kind to one another, I'm sure GT hold no grudges and for you all to work together would be so much better than being unfriendly..Parple has done the kindest thing by sending them positive e mails , I'm sure we could all do with a million positives than a million negatives.. I look forward to your next video as I do theirs. Have a lovely day I wish you well
.. Karen.
This was incredibly awesome. Hope you guys do this again and Parrple can join you in the future. Thank you everyone
I hope you do something animation video that would be awesome
You gotta get the Michael De Santa shirts from GTA 5.. they're something else
The Max Payne Hawaiian shirt is mint too.
Missed the chat
sorry Beardo. 
Good evening Beardo..
Missed the stream
And Flashback was (and is) an amazing game.
Great stream