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Red Letter Media Investigates: The Paranormal Investigation

Mike, Jay and Rich Evans talk about ghosts, hauntings, paranormal investigations, crazy people, ghost evidence, lies and other pointless topics in this two-part special Halloween season event video(s) that will conclude in a full on paranormal investigation of the famous Villisca Ax Murder House!!! What will they find with all the paranormal tools at their hands? Will Mike meet a ghost?

Part two will be released around the start of October to kick off the spookiest month of the year other than January and July and August and May and November and April and June.


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  1. Years ago they were filming restaurant make over in Toronto. I was working security of the building Nd over heard the producers? Or show staff talking about making more intense. Then on my next rounds I caught them talk to the restaurant owners asking them to help spice up the episode!
    Since then I have never trusted or fully believed in any reality show.

  2. Ghost shows are mostly travel shows, thats why they are on Travel Channel. Exact same format. Meet the location, background, host goes to location, breakdancing ensues, passionate sex scene, credits, fin.

  3. I collect old toys, and I was gifted one of those LJN Michael Jackson dolls a few years ago. I couldn’t sleep well for a week after. My mom isn’t a believer in the paranormal, but she somewhat seriously thought something was up with the doll. After that first week, I got a new cabinet and displayed the doll in there, no longer having it sit on my desk. No joke, my sleep returned to normal. I just find that a funny story.

  4. The preferred recording device is a tape recorder because it produces it's own white noise. Which helps hear EVPs… I guess. Ghost hunters had me in my 20s.

  5. NQGhosthunter used to be the one I watched that did all of the drawers flying open and such. They totally wiped their channel off the face of the earth after a few years, but the guy was a professional photographer in Australia, so i’m not shocked that suddenly the ghost stuff needed to go away one day.

  6. I love the idea that ghosts are supposed to talk at a frequency lower than what humans can hear yet when we do hear these ghosts on recordings the voice is made up of frequencies across the spectrum. Almost as if it's just a human voice being recorded 🤔🤔🤔

    If a ghost voice was supposedly at a constant frequency, it would just be a single tone

    The real ghosts are frequency generators

  7. 37:05 No, Rich. No. We don't have ghosts in us. If we did, then we'd be able to leave our bodies at any moment and roam around in intangible form. We'd have so many peeping toms if we could do that, no one would feel safe at any time. No, obviously ghosts are created when people die. Rich is confusing a "ghost" with a "soul". While a soul is the sum of person's mind and consciousness, located in the brain and tied to it; a ghost is in turn a person's soul turned into a separate free-willed entity capable of leaving the body, the grave and then either dissolve into cosmos or haunt a place of one's choosing. The details of the process of turning the soul into a ghost is not yet known, but come on – it's just common sense and logic!

  8. I had sleep paralysis once…I was falling off of my bed in slow motion, in black and white, and despite how hard I was screaming no sound came out. It was weird as fuck and still creeps me out. Our brains are so fucked up.

  9. I have an amazing photo I cannot explain that I took on a walking tour of a haunted location. I didn't expect to capture anything but the photo(s) freak me out. Same human shape in same spot from 2 angles.

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