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We spent the night ghost hunting in one of the most NOTORIOUS haunted locations in the United Kingdom, the Bron Y Garth Hospital & Workhouse. And what we saw, what we experienced and what we captured on camera is horrifying. From paranormal activity to phantom noises and knocks and even possible poltergeist behavior, we saw it all and this horrifying night will scare you to death!

Every week “The Paranormal Files” travels around the world to ghost hunt, search for skinwalkers, investigate demons and capture paranormal evidence. Join us as we grow the spooky family, release real paranormal videos and adventure together!

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Connor’s INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/c0nn0rshann0n/
The Paranormal Files INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theparanormalfiles/
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:



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  1. COMMENT "Happy New Year" and LIKE tonight's video for a chance to win a FREE GIFT BAG!!!!

    Visit https://hensonshaving.com/paranormal and use code PARANORMAL to get a free tube of Shave Cream with your purchase of a Henson Razor!

    This is one of our last videos from Europe… just a few more left before we move onto our HORRIFYING Midwest series that we're filming right now!! Our next series investigates unsolved murders, haunted circus houses, and yes, a notorious ped0phile ring! Get ready for more spooky… 2025 is going to be a VERY SPOOKY YEAR!!

  2. I had to skip the tour with the guide due to the excessive amount of AI during it. Colin, you are great at what you do, and you absolutely do not need AI to make it better. It is hindering my and other's experience watching the video.

  3. Always love your videos! I have been a subscriber for many years now, and this one may be one of my favourites!!

    Only ask is that you don’t over edit/use sound effects during the actual investigations, it definitely gives it a creepier/haunting vibe (big horror fan so I do love it in the history segment and intros) however I feel as though it doesn’t do you justice for your authenticity (particularly for any new viewers)!

    Us long time viewers know how passionate you are and will always commend you for your honesty in videos❤

    Love from the UK!!

  4. Hello beautiful people in the comments, lol ❤
    We'd be so grateful if you would go check out our new Paranormal investigation channel called Haunted Honeys 👻
    Please go give us a like and subscribe. Thank you so much.❤🫶 And hopefully you enjoy!! 😅

  5. Always love your videos. Even if im slightly late to be able to watch. Love the conspiracy channel as well. The talent with everyone from the "spooky family" is insane. Love yal so much. Hands down 2 of my favorite YouTube channels to ever exist.

  6. I have to say this video has gotten to me more than others. Whenever kids are involved it really gets my blood boing. My thought is what if Paul was like a doctor or an orderly? What if the one leg is a reference to the male appendage?

  7. I feel like the “I like to come” was a response to you asking if he is there because he’s trapped or if he chooses. I feel like his response was meant as “I like to come here”. Either way I respect you guys so much for taking the time to leave flowers and respect the victims. So grateful you gave them a voice and grateful you shared your opinions on Paul.

  8. Colin is great and I love him but Connor doesn’t get enough love around here! Bro’s got nerves of steel and is always down to face whatever new horrible nonsense Colin’s got planned for him. He’s a real one. ❤

  9. I Really Love watching all of your Paranormal and True Crime series. What reeeeealy annoys me is your use of actors trying to portray spirits/people that have died. It really makes it look worse than a B Rated Try Hard Horror Movie. Not doing yourself any favours.

  10. Some of you need to chill with the hate for AI. It’s really not a big deal when he’s doing it during the history of what he’s about to investigate. It’s not like he’s doing it during the investigation. What you should be mad at is when they’re using it to spread misinformation. For example, the Hollywood sign on fire. Stupid looking firefighters with weird looking animals. That’s when AI becomes annoying. Calm down.

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