Why Witch Hunter Sucks – How can we fix it? (PoE2 discussion)

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Honestly, I would expect if I have iron reflexes. That item get's 100 armor and 100 evasion, with +12% node boosted to 112 + 112 armorevasion and just adds together to 224 armour and not 212 armour or something like that, which is the way I undertand it works now. If it's really that bad, wouldn't build be better without it for now?
I think you also forgot to mention that witchunter time to time stops shooting till you release and click again with additional delay. Also attack speed seems dependend to framerate so in a heavy breach it slows down
it was such an easy mode playing witch after witchhunter 😀 10к shield, better bossing dps, cheaper gear, easy tree setup
Obsessive Rituals
25% less Armour and Evasion Rating
Grants Skill: Sorcery Ward
When Hit, Gain a Sorcery Warding Charge
+5% more Armour and Evasion per Sorcery Warding Charge
+5 Maximum Sorcery Warding Charge
Barrier recharges after (8.1–10) seconds
Elemental Damage [remove: from Hits?] is taken from the Barrier before your Life, Mana or Energy Shield
Barrier can take Elemental Damage up to 30% of your Armour and Evasion Rating
+Chaos somehow?
We are like the unwanted adopted child of the family. I will just wait for the patch notes and gonna lvl up an another char.
To add to the Sorcery Ward rant, any changes to your evasion/armor reset the recharge countdown to its full duration. This essentially adds 3 more seconds of recharge time if you use Wind Dancer (more evasion per stack, gain a stack every second, 3 to 4 stacks max). With the unupgraded Sorcery Ward, it might also never recharge if you dodge every 5 seconds with "x% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently"
I’m over here just running around with fart boots and nothing can attack me fast enough before they suffocate.
I just play galvanic CI Invoker😅
I'm not sure what rapid shot needs on the ranger part of the tree, but I'm doing armour eva with big armour chest 2300 and I went over to warrior part of the tree where I get lots of good armour nodes and big stun threshold.
Weapon Master is going to insane once all of the weapons are actually in the game. You'll be able to pull off some crazy weapon-swap builds
Weapon master may become op in the future. On my totem build for warrior I can switch between 200% totem damage + more placed and breaking 300% armour. I played with tree doing it from witch hunter side it could be sick with duel wield mace build even, but I have no other weapon I wanna switch to.
Base sorcery ward on max life and of course not lower life. Prob make it 100% of life and once your get last 2 points it 150% of max life + regen faster. Decimating strike should just be a flat 20%
at this point, best for a wh is to reroll, me at 89 level, the surivalbility for witch hunter compare to my monk with low tier armor, basically is day & night.
For a while I was attempting to use sorcery ward to keep myself alive in t16 maps and bossing, even at 4k or 5k ward it wasnt super good (ive seen 7k) and decimating strike and concentration were better for survivability (kill or be killed) after I specced out of the zealous inquisition execute, which i would rate highly until your build is worth many divine orbs in gear at which point its not needed anymore. Sorcery ward needs to block chaos damage or have a lesser penalty, some buffs for campaign like you said are also very likely needed to make it any use at all. No mercy synergizes with decimating strike VERY good but it requires all 4 of your ascendancies to combine the two which is obviously rough to lose inquisition as its the most fun and impactful part of the character, ESPECIALLY if your build is good at breach (there is also a lot of undead types).
I really like how you mentioned iron reflexes because thats something i noticed literally day 1 of poe2 and was very confused about but whatever, it just means only flat evasion is worthwhile for iron reflexes but thats still just not that great, I do still use it on my non ward witchhunter who sits at 3k life and 60% armor in red maps which does not feel as tanky as id like. I pathed into the warrior area like you mentioned with needing travel as merc.
While I agree on some points I disagree with others I think thats indicative of our different experiences with witchunter, Im really happy you are out here making these videos because unlike a poe1 player like me you have a refreshing perspective. I have a crit grenadier with a pure support character who makes me super op but it is solo viable if I dont get hit for 3k hp thru my 60% armor.
Witch Hunter I think has potential. Issues are that currently armor sucks and witch Hunter's defensive ascendancy node is also a big defensive nerf. Bad armor + need to armor/evasion and hard to use any energy shield = not great.
Also crossbows are kind of buggy and expensive for good ones.
For straight clear with the damage ascendancy nodes though, you can get good clear speed. Limiting factor then is just crappy survivability.
Im playing Chronikz build Shockburst + explosive shot wh, best build ive ever played, you literally nuke mob groups and also vs single target god like dmg
OK now I see why I'm suffering from poe2 witchhunter . u are very correct
All True! Titan can just do 50% better with everything the same Also Pathfinder just do 200% better with everything the same 🤣
Actually i think the concentration tree is really awesome. I lot of times bosses with broken concentration dont use big hits or nasty abilities only autoattacks what is way more easy to avoid or dodge.
And if you use plasmabast with scattershot as a first attack against them, sometimes you just take their hp down to 50 percent. And my build is really far from optimized and t15 bosses are easy peasy (except big monkey and the filth queen)
the cool thing about witch hunter is that, since it has basically no ascendency identity at all, they could completely change it into anything they want
I'd agree the culling and decimating portion of the tree is self nerfing in a way. But sorcery ward has felt great at endgame, saves me from map one shots, i just swap to acrobatics for bossing. Concentration mechanic is banger though.
Talking about not easy to understand… If you put an Iron Rune on your weapon, that gives you a "local" bonus that multiplies all of your damage, pretty much. But then you do some chaos trials and an elemental damage soul core drops. It goes in the same slot, is obviously a more premium item, even a higher number, but this one only gives additive damage. Because it's not "local". You can only gimp yourself with this "premium loot".
The soul cores would be so cool in general. But it seems pretty much every time you use something else than an iron rune, there is no carrot only stick for you.
Lmao did you delete my comment?
Mercenaries are so jank, GGG had to cook up an entirely new control scheme just to use them effectively.
Holy crap, I thought I was the only Witch hunter using Rapid Fire speccd into decimating strike! My passive tree looks pretty similar to yours. I tried leaning into Fire to synergize with Heat buildup, but found going Attack Speed, Crit and Accuracy felt better and resulted in a little higher DPS on paper.
Very cool man, thanks for sharing!
Please add on top:
-sorc ward is BUGGED which makes us unable to improve the quality of it
-shock burst rounds, aka the only good wh single target skill, is also BUGGED since day 1 and the quality gain (7 additional rounds) is just not there
-crossbow reload is BUGGED if you try to dodge roll during reload animation which prevent you from shooting and have to reload again
-any kind of slow not only reduces your atk speed but also your reload massively
and the common armor complain, useless turret skills complain etc etc….
To your point about weapon set passives: they are already incredible for single target and clearing skills that use the same type of weapon. And that is their primary purpose. We aren't supposed to have two vastly different weapon sets apart from niche cases.
Crossbows have amazing tree support for both clearing (AoE, Speed, on-kill effects) and single target (lucky lightning damage, penetration, shock magnitude). However, nobody even needs 24 weapon set passives, the ascendancy seems without use.
100% agree with all of this. I do have a effective end game WH Armour break build
Do NOT build armor or hybrid with sorcery ward. Armor is anti-synergistic, evasion on the other hand is synergistic with ward. Spec fully into evasion and treat ward like a different and situationally better acrobatics keystone.
This also plays into you complaining about stun. Crossbows are a ranged weapon, enabling a speedy and dodgy playstyle where one does not get hit a lot. I play a crossbow Deadeye glass cannon with full evasion and getting stunned means misplaying.
so glad you are talking about stun threshold. I'm so tired of seeing my mercs head bob around every time i get hit
Crossbows have a low base damage as well considering its a 2handed weapon, that cant be duel wielded.
One issue i have with many ascendencies right now is the 4 points for 1 ability thing. There are some followups that work, like the Chayula monk with damage per unreserved darkness, however the other point that just reduces darkness reservation duration shouldn't exist, that should be part of the first ability.
I've fixed my defenses for Witch Hunter by completely ignoring what my tree and ascendancy wants me to do – Cloak of flame with infernoclasp belt for 80% max fire res (and honestly I can easily get 84+ max res if I really invested into things) and going into monk for eva/es scaling with ghost shrouds. I've had like 9 deaths at lvl 88 atm doing t15's+ (with 2 being afk loading into campaign zones).
On one hand, it's kinda fun solving the issue in an interesting way, but on the other hand, why is everything merc related so bad lol? I unironically feel I would've been better off throwing all my current gear on a ranger or monk and doing more dmg while having even better defenses. Obviously gemling exists and is strong, but getting that build running is way outside my budget considering I don't really get a ton of time to grind.
I hope in the upcoming patch even if merc doesn't get buffed directly, we at least get armor working properly and the armor break mechanics honestly straight up removed? Even on my titan, I'd lose basically all my defense randomly just cause and it always felt super bad.
Play bloodmage next it’s really fun