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Hi everyone! In this video I’m showcasing the Witchhunter build which I used to beat the entire campaign & things I learned after finishing and moving in to the endgame

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  1. I was going to do more projectile damage myself but if you hit more info on the passive skill it show’s ability’s effected, and only physical projectiles (I.e basic bolt, high velocity rounds) were effected. Could I be missing something there? Same thing for the Two handed weapon passives…

  2. So I’m level 24 I use the gas and explosive grenades but the explosive shot with scatter and a 40% Aoe increase is what I’m using. Every shot detonates the grenades so I’m mapping in explosions, while doing increases elemental damage. I like my chart a little more then yours I hit two projectial increase nodes and hit a lightning damage n shock chance node as well as area of affect I cleared my ascendancy trial with ease with this build and I see no one using it

  3. I have a quick question: I picked weapon master for my ascendancy first because i thought those extra skillpoints might be useful, but for some reason i can't spend them on my first weapon set, and on my 2nd weaponset i somehow can only spend 4 of them? I don't know why thats the case, i can't really wrap my head around it, do you have an idea why thats the case?

  4. Nvm, doesn't apply to trial 3 and 4.

    Just a note about the ultimatum thing, if you die, you gotta restart, but the item is still in the thing to start it. So you can click "end" and then "start" again, and it will open a new one for you. I am not 110% sure it works for number points 5 and 6 as well, but it did work for point 3 and 4.
    Source: I died like 4 times doing the first ultimatum in act 3 for my third and forth ascendancy nodes. 🙂

  5. I've been running very similar build till lvl32 now I'm stuck on act2 boss. I got decent gear but I do negligible damage. Is it just me or are bosses absolute hp sponges in this game ?

  6. sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you use that leap ability on the mercenary/the crossbow? (all the freedom in this game still confuses me lol) – great video tho will defo try this!

  7. yooo looks awesome, im respecing to this since i needed trade for my witch to work and i didnt expect trade to be down until now XDD, i hope u keep doing updates on the build. pls ? thanks!

  8. You are doing mostly elemental damage, so the armor strip from the gas grenade is a bit wasted isn’t it? Maybe they changed something and I am overlooking something here.

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