🔴 The Gateway To Hell Demonic Family haunting Paranormal Nightmare TV S20E2

The Paranormal Nightmare Team travel to Sullivant Ave known as the Gateway To Hell. The brothers are brought in to help a family figure out what is haunting their home? During this epic ghost hunt the brothers document some very compelling paranormal evidence. Sometimes the real world is more dangerous than the spiritual world.
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#demon #paranormal #scary #ghost
Thank You Everyone for the Epic turnout last Friday Night. Hope to see you all this Friday Night 8pm Live Chat and this Scary Brand New Family Haunting Episode. Please Smash That Like Button and If You Are New Please Subscribe. Team Nightmare For Life Much Respect
This was scary, how a whole street can have so much evil on it. God Bless y'all
This one gave me goose bumps!!
They need to go through the whole house removing any ungodly items, anything associated with witchcraft or divination and they need to stop trying to use spirit boxes or trying to communicate with whatever they thinks in the house, then they need to each personally be exorcized and then the house cleansed again it might even take fasting and prayer before another cleansing is attempted
Im from chicago the most shocking thing was the $2.83 gas prices
Shaun: I’ll stay in here by myself
Epoch Box: Yes
Shaun: Okay maybe not
35:38 did anyone see that black orb fly up in bedroom when that picalo or whatever it’s called went off 😮???
As lour Lord and Saviour work through these 3 brothers, some homes like this one needs a little more help. Whatever has been done in this home has been left to fester, hence more death and sadness. I hope the Fourman’s can truly get rid of this haunting once and for all, it’s not easy when they don’t get paid for their services, so I truly hope they can get back here asap to continue cleansing and ridding this home of its spiritual inhabitants.. Good or Evil!!
May God bring his light and peace to that house and to that town🕊✝️🤍
Awesome episode – y'all please stay safe as you travel to help others! Angels please be by their side🌸
Thank you for the video. I can't wait for the next show.
Fantastic episode 👏 what a scary house to be in
Really enjoyed this. Thanks for no gimmicks (ESTES sessions, etc). Keep up the good work.
47:00 shit hits the fan. That whole kitchen part is very unsettling.
The chills that ran up my arm during that whole kitchen part. I couldn't believe that. That entity definitely wanted you to open the door. It really tried, then it asked if you were scared. Trying to taunt you, really creepy Josh. I was yelling at my phone screen "Don't open the door Josh" literally and figuratively.. Don't open that door. I'm shocked, I've been watching for a while now and that experience that you documented was so insane by far.
Hi guys❤❤ appreciated your brilliant work and always enjoy your vids. I'm a long time fan watching from Iran with lots of love 🇮🇷💘❤💕💗
Take care and good luck 👍 you 3 are in my prayers 🙏❤
Sorry but, the people need to be cleansed before the home.
The “devil “ is not at all powerful. He has been overthrown.
Sounds like she conjured something up! You have to be careful of some people. Family or not. I can't have any visits. In fact, don't even write to me. I think once it's haunted, always haunted. That ghost not going anywhere. It's going to kick their but.😅
I feel at times when people start to use equipment like the spirit boxes etc without the proper protection it can draw in an evil that will feed on the death and negativity surrounding not only the house but the neighbourhood as well. In no way am I blaming Jessica but sometimes it's best not to communicate with things you're not prepared to deal with. Pray they find peace and may God continue to watch over each and every family and the Foreman brothers as they enter these homes.
WTH with the orbs? Could they be car light reflections
My grandmother was a witch… she used to pray at cross roads, with black candles, boiling urine and go out at midnight to get answers from the children of the night.. she used to take me with her because during the time of walking after midnight she couldn't communicate and I was the middle person to answer if someone was on the way… I have been having dreams about her, and I have tried to kill myself for 4 times…. I think that I have her or someone attached to me. I'm always unhappy, I have a deep depression, chronic pain and the idea of die is always my head. Nobody can help me ( I have tried to find help from the Parnassia, a psychiatrist entity in the Netherlands…. I'm waiting for more than two months for ambulant help team)… I seat on my balcony thinking that would be great if someone could shoot me, that someone could kill me…. I do think that something is around me….
My prayers are with you and your brothers and the family you are helping
This is y I watch ads and share these videos bc these guys genuinely care about ppl i really love these guys please becareful
I mean damn in 30–45 mins of watching this I got like 25 ads like I can’t even enjoy what I’m watching 😂😅
People must stop attracting spirits to them before asking for help. Never turn your equipment on around your own building…apartment. Dayum..you don't even own the land….
Hello guys I am right in the middle of watching you guy's video, and I really felt overwhelmed about sending this message to you all I've clocked at least 4 spirits and 1 that's of our realm where it's from they refer to you Josh as Preacher, they know the Formen brothers names there and do not like you three they fear you three. I just felt that our father God wanted me to reach out and tell you all what I've seen and feel my name is Crystal S. I do as our Father request, so stay safe many many blessings my brothers and he always walks with you three and loves you for the work you guys provide for those in need when others will not help them . Much love light and only the most positive vibes and intentions possible.
Sean btw I got the biggest crush on u ! If ur single reach out lol ur so adorable ….n so am I ..🤭🤭🤭🤭
Josh goes “ oh no way “ Sean says “ that’s crazy” n rocky goes “Mhmm” lmao 🤣 …funny cute
Just started watching so I might have more comments
👻👽👻Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up👻👽👻
OMG!!! The knocking in the door while Josh is in the kitchen totally freaked me out!!!!!😮
I don't buy anything this lady says 7:55
I feel like she's full of shit ,u lost ur home due to nonpayment,not spirit or demons. Praying doesn't do shit
Everything is Demonic, and everything is a gateway to Hell with you… Yet you really don't have evidence… You routinely ignore the families after you film there for your click bait… Meanwhile people who genuinely go through a literal Hell can what…. fk off? Shame on you guys for taking clout and views and then abusing, neglecting, ignoring the victims of what is a very real fear of theirs. And THEN… You hide those videos behind a PAYWALL! These people ask you for help and you systematically FAIL THEM! How is EVERYTHING Demonic ONLY when you show up? Dude, I swear Youtube fails us as viewers to put you on peoples' front page feed.
india aajao tum sb k bhoot bhaag jayenge😂
Shaun: I'll stay here by myself
Ghost: Yes
Shaun: Ok, maybe not XD
Love his sense of humor❤
Tail end of 14:36 I heard a quiet "yes", and maybe "oh Lord" ??
Y'all are AWESOME 😎😎😎
it was so cool hearing thats ny grandson rocky when rocky was sitting in the car!!! 1 proud grandad 😃
Please,Josh,Rocky and Shaun don't let "that guy"put you down. You don't need to explain yourselves or go further to prove you re genuine. We love you the way you are. I bite my tongue so many times in order to be polite but "he is breaking my balls",so please keep your cool and keep going on like you always do. Love you guys from Italy❤
Re-watching it now , anyone notice the small flashing orb at 15mins 06s by stairs 2/3 of way up towards the door .
42:02 and they will be stuck when i leave my home here left behind burning stuck on this side of the city..
pararel with your in hell..
they listen upstairs .. foreign country enemies to light false faith .. not jesus
You guys should try the estes method while one of you are in a different room from the others.