ANTWERP MANSION: The MOST HAUNTED House In ALL Of ENGLAND (Horrifying Paranormal Activity On Camera)

We traveled to a location that has recently been opened for paranormal investigating, to attempt to contact the spirits of murder victims and solve a case that is shrouded in active mystery. You will not believe what happened to us during this terrifying ghost hunt.
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This is the very beginning of our Europe series…. and seriously, get ready for a ROLLER COASTER RIDE of thrills, chills and all things terrifying!!! We are about to embark on an epic journey through the unknown across Europe…. and I'm SO EXCITED for y'all to see these videos!!!!
All too repetitive, immature, REDUNDANT…
I can see why you wanted to investigate this location, but what a disgrace to let that building fall in to disrepair, just to use it for a party house. Guy gives creep vibes.
If you come to the UK again you have to let us know and do a meet up!
Love your video but be respectful too much swearing 😅
I also like how u 2 hold onto a place like a dog with a bone❤
Odd for the ghosts to be so political- fortune, royalty, ymm Republican marriage, just sounds similar to what you've ALREADY UNCOVERED! ELITES BEHAVING BADLY…
Colin's face when he heard that noise hehhehheh!
what always strikes me as odd is the state of disrepair of these buildings. it could be so much nicer if they maintained these buildings and add so much value.
JEREMIAH WAS a bullfrog.You said the same thing I was gonna say
What a dump.
Lived in Manchester 33 years and pass nearby often. Is just a stones throw from Manchester's famous Curry Mile…Old Manchester clubbers from 90's but never went to The Antwerp sadly!!!!
Where is Courtney? I think u said she was there with u.
You guys meet the best people. The owner is a gem.
England is 6 hours ahead of us in Texas. Not 8 or 9.
I really enjoying this video! Id love to go to the UK and visit some old castles etc Ive heard Britain and Scotland are very haunted. I saw a documentary about the queen's mother and the castle she grew up in (Glamis castle) was haunted and it was apparently common knowledge. Maybe you could investigate that in the future. Yall are doing a great job Keep up the good work! Stay spooky 👻 🤟
The music at the beginning tho 🎉 had my glow sticks out and I was Vibin!!! 😂 love your channel @theparanormalfiles
Part of me is starting to think that the occultists might leave a "soul trap" on the places where they do their parties and rituals. In other words, they likely summoned or offered some sort of demon the opportunity to keep these poor souls trapped here. I can't imagine why somebody would willingly stay in a place where they were abused. These spirits say things like "destroyed me" what if that's literal, and their soul has been torn away from God without their decision. Like shackles in a prison
The knocks you heard while fetching a new battery sounded like an object falling over somewhere
That "Taken" sounded like "naked" to me, but kind of the similar message
And "Seven" sounded like "From Heaven" kind of. She is protecting you from her place Heaven, maybe?
I could help but think, the longer a spirit remains in this world, the more detached they become with the progress of the living. Those 1840s people probably miss their music and their favorite foods, but they're forced to listen to Drum n Bass and Electro now 🙃
Whew!!! There’s a lot going on in this video….. The place is undeniably very active…. I’m really feeling some digging in the woods
and finding some human remains would put some of the spirits to rest…. There seems to be a little gender confusion with one of the spirits and I’m almost wondering if a woman in the past posed as a man to get in to the mansion to find out exactly what the men were doing with their meetings/rituals and got discovered that she was a female and was unmercifully killed in fear of her exposing their secrets and rituals they were doing…..
that mansion has many secrets to be unveiled
The girlies on the box have an eastern euro accent.
This is all skull n bones hellfire etc etc. All of these odd fellas are intimately inexplicably indefinitely intertwined.
Spooky look up Jon Baptist he was a french pirate, slave trader and so much more. Cant believe that, his name came through. 😮 Iv heard his name on The oak island treasure show and one of the explorers were in his house in France a Manor.but didn't know who he was. Crazy
What is that around 20:54 up by the appears before and after the time frame.
I'm sorry but the colour of those walls arddreadful
Your videos are so great and filled with history.
I did a photoshoot here a few years ago. Really cool place
I’m watching all the videos along with the diddy files we have going on currently …. I feel it’s clear that people are sacrificed for power and I’m just feeling more and more sad about the world we live in. It’s been going on for CENTURIES and I think we all need to educate ourselves right along with Colin and Connor. My heart just breaks thinking of how many souls are stuck here because of these monsters. It also makes me think they’re stuck here because these rituals DO GIVE THEM POWER. I hope we can get back to the light. I really really do. I don’t pray, but I might start. Maybe we all need to start …
Your faces when you hear unexplainable noises make me giggle EVERYTIME😅. I’d be inclined to run, no matter how prepared I thought I was