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Video Games With Dying Worlds [Vol. 2]

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We return once more to the desolate and mysterious worlds of Video Games set in empty, unknown, and dying worlds. From the rain-soaked ruins of Rain World to the solemn ancient lands of Shadow Of The Colossus. The unknown horrors of Mourning Tide and The Children of Clay. And the madness No One Lives Under the Lighthouse, Fatum Betula, and Vermis.

Special Thanks To:
DGPlasm: https://www.artstation.com/dedicatedghost
Liam: http://duckwithsunglasses.com

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Rain World: https://store.steampowered.com/app/312520/Rain_World/
Shadow Of The Colossus: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA08034_00-SOTC0000000000US
Mourning Tide: https://kajik.itch.io/mourningtide
The Children Of Clay: https://ronyaib.itch.io/the-children-of-clay
No one lives under the lighthouse: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1254370/No_one_lives_under_the_lighthouse_Directors_cut/
Fatum Betula:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1281270/Fatum_Betula/
Vermis I: https://hollow-press.net/products/vermis-i
Vermis II: https://hollow-press.net/products/vermis-ii-mist-mirrors


Drackfreeee – Effect on me
Resident Evil 5 – Item Box
@stateazure – Cygnus X-1
James Primate – Floes
@stateazure – Microglyph
Sayuri Hayashi Egnell – Umi
@JustHappyBurger – Why does this keep happening
James Primate – Flutter
Zerofuturism – Poolrooms
KLR – I like to be alone
Survival Spheres – Resynced with gaia
The backrooms: lost tape – Ocean pools
SIGNALIS – 3000 Cycles
Midwich Music – Searching the past in your mind
James Primate – ELSE V
Woob – Wuub
Ivan Turmenko – Light
@stateazure – Generative Grid
Drackfreeee – Lost Echoes
Yume 2kki – Depths
Yume 2kki – Wind Turbine Plateau
KLR – This place is like a ghost town
Yames – Shhh
Yume 2kki – Chess World: March of Progress
Dark Souls – Souls of Fire
@JustHappyBurger – Why does this keep happening
@stateazure – AI Generative Art (Darkv)
Lorn’s Lure – Artificial Rain
Dex 1200 – Reflexion
Akira Yamaoka – Toluca Graveyard


00:00 Intro
02:09 Sponsor
03:33 Rain World
16:52 Wander & The Colossus
35:20 Recap
38:25 Mourning Tide
42:56 Children of Clay
49:44 No One Under The Lighthouse
57:00 Fatum Batula
1:01:10 Vermis
1:27:44 Mist & Mirrors
1:31:52 Outro

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  1. I discovered Shadow of the Colossus, oddly enough, when I was watching the movie Reign Over Me (fantastic film and incredible performance from Adam Sandler btw!). That movie set a slightly different tone for me due to the nature of the film and how truly heartbreaking the situation was that Adam’s character was in. Still to this day, that game is one of the most incredible pieces of art I have ever played. I always hoped there would be a sequel or maybe someone would find that mysterious 17th colossus, but I guess some things are best left the way they are.

  2. honestly I want to find more worlds like this, post-apoc fantasy is really good and I love a world in the twilight of it's life where you can see hints of what it once was.

  3. As a huge fan of SOTC I want to add that everything in the game is purposely designed to make you feel small, right down to the size of Agro compared to Wanderer.
    There is a place, a pond where you can 'ride' a fish in the water, the fish it's self is larger than wanderer. You can grab onto birds and use them like gliders.
    You are a small lonely boy in a wold of great size and emptiness.

  4. my first exposure to vermis was when SuperEyepatchWolf made a video about fake video games, and maaaaan was that a trip….btw, you both sound the same, only when eyepatch is speaking in a low, hushed manner like you tho.

  5. OMG I WAS LITERALLY LIKE “huh wonder if he’ll talk about rain world” thank you, I love the game so much and I’m glad more people are giving it recognition

  6. Great work once more. Next I would love to see more of these worlds and one I would really love to see in these videos is the world of the original stalker game (SoC). That would also be quite timely with their new release, which is ok, but to me the originals are just so hauntingly beautiful and desolate. The atmosphere is one of a kind to this day.

  7. omg fatum betula mentioned it's nice to see some love for this gem 🙏
    for more obscure games with dying worlds, i strongly recommend dread delusion and sanguine sanctum!

  8. 2:15 my first thought was "HUH? 😨" I thought he meant like in my house 😭 I know our devices listen and watch us but I did NOT want to deal with some person or thing actively watching me from around the corner or something 😭

  9. I'm so glad you talked about Fatum Betula. I bought it on a whim cause it just seemed very mysterious. I stumbled my way through the game just figuring out what does what and how all on my own. Surreal art was already an interest of mine, Fatum Betula fueled that fire brighter than anything in the last 10 years

  10. Im so glad I managed to get a physical print of Vermis and Vermis II when they first came out. Vermis does a better job at storytelling than Dark Souls could ever HOPE to achieve. Also it's not entirely a "dying world." It clearly indicates that the game starts far away from the Capital, which is undergoing an upheaval from a power vacuum and Vermis II reveals the civilizations in the desert. There's definitely cities around and civilization endures. You're simply on the periphery.

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