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Night Guard has an unexpected visitor… #scary #paranormal

Credit Clip Taken from: DepthsOfDespair

Distant Tension Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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  1. Obviosuly just a innocent old lady who just passed away and is confused about where to go to get to the afterlife. We really gotta stop being so paranoid and fearful about ghosts, WE ARE GHOSTS in human form

  2. One of the worst jobs there is. And they pay peanuts. You have no weapon and you are dealing with violent crazies, gangs, homeless and shit faced people. Especially malls and hospitals. Those jobs are worth $30 an hour.

  3. Seemed harmless, sometimes it's good to help lost souls, but you must also try to be awate if it's a good spirit or just stitching you up. Man must have a gift. In any case 3am is not a good sign of good spirit and he's invited it into the building, which is a no no. Now they mist remove, cleanse.

  4. I was a night guard for a plant that was shut down, i was alone and the place was huge and i had to clock certain areas which were really dark, 4 or 5 ppl died in there while it was open, a woman got crushed by a machine and i had to walk right by it every night in the middle of that plant, nothing ever happened but as i was walking i was praying to jesus every second, otherwise i dont think i could have kept doing it 😂

  5. They are just as board as the night gaurd on duty at night maybe they just wona talk idk why run away 🤔 it was perfect opportunity to talk about maybe the other side 🤔 or stuff just saying

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