Night Guard has an unexpected visitor… #scary #paranormal
Credit Clip Taken from: DepthsOfDespair
Distant Tension Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Ho my god😮
I wouldn't have ran I would've asked questions bc this is a rare opportunity Idc if I die bc my curiosity intrigues me more
Hard work, impossible shifts, poor sleep… It's normal for your brain to play tricks on you sooner or later. I know this from experience.
Im watching this well on shift and its 12'40 rn shouldnt have watched this lol a little creepy
It was stupid
Keep in mind, he might be schizophrenic and having an episode.
Those Tacos do it every time. Gotta poop gotta poop
Naww this is lniwyar (last night is when you are retired]
he got his priorities straight real quick after he was told he was the only one there, those priorities being "get the hell out of there"
Is it scary?!?!?!
Bros dipping 😂
There are no such things as ghosts as the it’s possible the old lady is One of the souls in Purgatory or the Devil himself. This is very interesting and rare to see.
Why was he running, as a night guard it’s a normal occurrence, must of been new on the job.
Bros the smartest man ever to sprint out of there
Instead of running away he should start an interview with the ghost and ask the camera operator what questions he would like to pour in. 😂
Obviosuly just a innocent old lady who just passed away and is confused about where to go to get to the afterlife. We really gotta stop being so paranoid and fearful about ghosts, WE ARE GHOSTS in human form
Mothafucka I'm GONE!
WE NEED SAM AND DEAN for this one 😂❤
He was probably high
what's more terrifying is yt recommend me these kind of videos at night
Imagine there are people who can differentiate between color but few were color blind person ✌️🖤✨
The Djinn
In the US he would have gotten a drug test 😂
What’s crazy is that the old lady he was talking to passed away a couple of years ago😰
One of the worst jobs there is. And they pay peanuts. You have no weapon and you are dealing with violent crazies, gangs, homeless and shit faced people. Especially malls and hospitals. Those jobs are worth $30 an hour.
I think the guard is high
I don’t believe in monsters
I hope that lady can cross over she might of died of dementia and needs to see someone before she can cross
Seemed harmless, sometimes it's good to help lost souls, but you must also try to be awate if it's a good spirit or just stitching you up. Man must have a gift. In any case 3am is not a good sign of good spirit and he's invited it into the building, which is a no no. Now they mist remove, cleanse.
Turbo granny ah
actor knowing he's on CCTV lolz
I saw another video like this today. I think this is some trend among bored security workers 😂
Wonder if he still work at that place after what happen.
Why running i will fired him 😂
Bro just left the lady there💀
I hope hes safe too haha
I was a night guard for a plant that was shut down, i was alone and the place was huge and i had to clock certain areas which were really dark, 4 or 5 ppl died in there while it was open, a woman got crushed by a machine and i had to walk right by it every night in the middle of that plant, nothing ever happened but as i was walking i was praying to jesus every second, otherwise i dont think i could have kept doing it 😂
Omg I leave never come back
The best way to skip the night shift 😂😂😂
Im a guard in a hospital ,, and i already experienced like this
Interesting how ghosts are not seen in real,but seen through camera and vice versa.
They are just as board as the night gaurd on duty at night maybe they just wona talk idk why run away 🤔 it was perfect opportunity to talk about maybe the other side 🤔 or stuff just saying
im not afraid of anything if i had gun