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The witch hunter’s melody (Creative commons license)

This song is under the Creative commons license with the permission of the original artists. Have fun using it for what ever you like.

I’m planning to commission a lot more music in the future for the Monstergarden but also post it under the creative commons license same as this so others can use it too.

This song was made by Nicholas Konradsen:





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  1. Hi all, I'm the guy that wrote this piece 🎶 glad you like it, it was a lot of fun. I included this piece (under the name 'Red Marsh') in an EP of atmospheric tunes i made called Three rivers. It's all free to use with credit 👍 It's on my channel.

  2. This is fucking amazing! Also kind of gives me similar vibes to music from "The Witcher" games which kind of makes sense due to similarities in the job, the dangers, and the whole mutant thing, though this takes it to the extremes, and this track as well feels more natural and real, less like a soundtrack and more like an actual song the hunter would play in between hunts, or possibly before battle

  3. Jesus man i am following since the very beginning but i didn't check the cannel for a month being busy and i am absolutely shocked by the quantity and the quality of the content you posted ! keep up the work your art style and narrative approachvis amazing, watching your videos helps me to fight the lack of inspiration !

    May we see again traveller.

  4. There's a sort of dark mystery vibe to this piece. Like, if you dig too deep into the urban legends that surround the which hunter, you're going to be snatched away for learning something forbidden.

    Like an angler fish luring prey with it's light.

    Amazing work

  5. Desire to lead an adventuring party though a vaster country side of trenchlines and bogs, with rustic fitted little towns slowly sinking into the sucking maw of the earth


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