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my favourite anime you’ve never heard of | analyzing witch hunter robin

Hello, today I am talking about my favourite anime you have never heard of, Witch Hunter Robin, and my opinion on the new Cowboy Bebop. Enjoy!

talkin’ bout my generation 00:00
early 2000s canadian content and pre teen tara 01:01
so what is witch hunter robin about anyway? 04:53
i am the nostalgia critic now 08:41
sunrise vs. manglobe 19:19
when should you do a remake? 20:49
i am now writing witch hunter robin fanfiction 24:06

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  1. Oh shit, I forgot that I saw WItch Hunter Robin on YTV, but the lineup you mentioned definitely tracks. I loved WHR, Inuyasha, and Gundam Seed. The songs in Witch Hunter Robin are so good, and Amon was always pretty hot.
    I actually did an acryllic painting of Robin and Amon with her motorcycle as a year-end project in High School. The art is so good.

  2. I haven´t een the anime since I bought it (yes, I also bought the Special Edition book). Have no idea what made me decide to so since I never watched the anime when it aired. Probably because back in the early 2000´s I was starting to get into anime and there wasn´t many available. Didn´t regret it though.

    LOVE the concept, the designs, the characters, the music and, above all, the atmosphere and music. A shame they didn´t continue to do more series like this (anime that was created as not based on manga or light novels).

    Are there any more anime like this that anyone can recommend? Either in terms of atmosphere/concept or the fact that it is just an anime.

    By the way, REALLY hate that anime these days have to be 12 episodes (Seasons more less entire series). I´m not saying they have to be extremely long (like the original DBZ, One Piece or so…). But series with 24-26 episodes are PERFECT. It´s enough to be delevoped and tell an entire story while, once it ends (as everything) you just go back and watch it again.

  3. I also noticed it felt like things should’ve been more…gruesome? Or like it had kid gloves on when it could’ve gone further with certain moments like when the captured witches were revealed

  4. Hello Tara Natalia! I think Witch Hunter R[obin was quite well known when it was broadcast in Japan and then rebroadcast in the US. I think it was carried on Adult swim. It was a wonderful show . it was before Farce book and most of the Social Media that are big now. A lot of people were doing fan fics and there was even a big Fan club for english speakers called Usuyami no Sekai – Lost In A World Of Darkness.. It was a fun club and a lot of great writers were there. Doing thier own chapters of Robin stories as well as other fiction some was very good and most was entertaining short mysteries with a few Hawt scenes it lasted about 3 years then faded because the show was off the air but also because
    the website carrier started charging money so that was a death nell for the club but it was fun while it lasted.

  5. ngl, If I did a witch hunter robin remake, I'd still do animation
    edit: I recently finished this series because I've been interested on watching what I call toonami-core shows, and enjoyed it a lot. I agree with a lot of your opinions on the tone inconsistency, lack of background about the characters, glossed over plot elements, etc. I think your theory of the show being originally designed for an older audience explains a lot. Great video <3

  6. Robin's eradicate powers wasn't glossed over.

    It was constantly a problem, and when Amon realized that Robin's issue was fun her blurry eyesight, she started wearing glasses to correct her problem. This was probably in one of the episodes that you deemed boring.

  7. Don't you mean you never heard of her. I used to be a regular watcher when it was on midnight swim or SYFY I can't rememkber which I was even a member of a WHR fan club.which was fun. The club head several members who did WHR or other fanfiction and some of them where very good writers. Anyway WHR was and still is a great show.

  8. Love this show. I had to start a rewatch after adding "Half Pain" to my library. After it played a few times in three weeks, it was stuck in my head. Oddly enough, not having watched it for so long, I thought they all were in their 20s, and younger me blotted out the whole, "Fallen Gods," component of witches.

    I was hoping to find a react, but found people who only like some aspects of the show, but don't seem to really be fans of the show itself…and the video that showed Robin in the OP was rotoscoped Madonna.

    Thank you for your love-filled fan hearted review.

  9. I still remember the witch who made people slip from episode 1 and the witch who crushed people into cubes with telekinesis from somewhere off in the season. The show's pacing was really slow. I can see how our ADHD generation has trouble getting into it.

  10. Love this anime, one of my favourites 🩷 I remembered staying up till midnight just to watch this show on Animax Asia, only to be able to watch it fully on YouTube later on lol 😂

  11. Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, Trinity Blood, Trigun, all these animes make my soul sing. I have loved WHT for so long I had to make my own fan merch because there was none. lol

  12. @Tara Natalia
    I'm a bit late to the party, I didn't start getting into older Anime until my highschool years. Alot of my first Anime were more of the mainstream unfortunately, which isn't bad but it limited my experience on what Anime could be or what stories it told. I'm currently in the middle of Witch Hunter Robin and I like it alot. I was born in 2001 so at the time all that was talked about was Sailor moon or Dragon Ball Z. Sadly hidden gems like Witch Hunter Robin , Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, Now and Then, Here and There, Gunslinger Girl, Key The Metal Idol, All the Gundam series, Legend Of The Galatic Heros, Jin-Roh, Angel's Egg, Rahxephon, Rainbow Rokubou No Shichinin, Casshern Sins, Vampire Hunter D BloodLust and much more slipped my radar as a little kid. Now as an adult, I grately appreciate older Anime more than ever . I honestly prefer older Anime, because alot of my favorites are from that era of Anime.

  13. I am happy you love this anime. I actually think that it is way better at being Emo. Then ergo proxy that everybody was raving about that still this day I didn’t really understand why they were so obsessed with it. But that’s a personal opinion that I don’t think everybody’s gonna agree with. And that’s ok. Having said that I feel they cut that show way too early. Anyways I’m glad you are telling people about this. By the way, I totally agree about your Canadian lineup. I’ve never been a fan of Inuyasha and I really wanted to be a fan but I couldn’t get over the main character. my daughter on the other hand absolutely loves it.

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