Powerful Pokémon Only…Then we FIGHT! Pokémon Scarlet

For todays video… ONLY BIG BOYS ALLOWED. Strong pokemon only!
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edited by: https://www.youtube.com/@Pixilm8
#chillnplay #quickgg
Challenge Idea: Choose 1 Pokemon out of the three randomized starters. If you like it, keep it. If not, do a random encounter in the grass and that cannot be skipped. No skips allowed and Pokemon are not fully evolved at the end to encourage the mystery encounter. Do so until you have a team of six. Then fight it OUT.
RARE CANDY CHALLENGE! Catch your six mons, then decide which one you wont use the candy on, but the other 5 you must but in scaling order. So example: 1st mon – no candy. 2nd mon-1 candy. 3rd mon
2 candies. 4th mon -3 candies. 5th mon-4 candies. 6th mon5 candies. you get what you get and you can choose which mons get how many candies. good luck boys !Hey, Chillnplay. Big fan of you and QuickGG. I have a challenge for you guys. The challenge is to catch each other 6 Pokemon, but the catch is you guys have to change one move set for all 6 Pokemon. You guys can have 2 skips if the move set is good, in either game.
I would like to see a battle where you guys can choose Pokémon however but for the battle the only move your Pokémon can know is metronome for the randomness
Can you do a level 1 legendary vs level 100 baby Pokemon challenge
Challenge idea: 15 minutes to catch but everything has imposter
Not going to lie when I saw Kyogre's move set I kind of laughed because of it being a special attacking monster but after I thought about it, if it could survive after using belly drum it could potentially finish off mons with Jet Punch since it's decently strong with that 60 based power and its stab, but sadly it wasn't even used at all in the match so yeah……..
Idea from Portugal:
You get 10 random encounters. If its a first stage evolution pokemon, you will get its final evo (example: you encounter a Charmander, you will get on your squad a Charizard). If you get a final evo on the random encounter, you take its first stage (example: if you encounter a Blastoise, you will get a Squirtle on your team). If you get a mid stage, you will get it (example: if you encounter a Metapod, you will get it).
No legends or one stage pokemon allowed.
You get to choose your favorite 6!
Good luck, or "BOA SORTE" in Portuguese.
What mod or hack are they playing
Normal Kyurem cooked fr
How you dont know Kyurem Black
Such a frustrating battle for @chillnplay fans
Hey chilly I got a vid idea
Each one of you have 1500 points… you guys have to catch 6 random encounters and fully evolve them. With the 1500 points you can purchase moves. The power of the move is how much it costs. And if anyone of you want to buy a setup move each one of them costs 80 points
Note multiple striking moves not allowed
Example – if you want to buy outrage on a Pokémon that will cost 120 points
If you want to buy swords dance it will cost 80 points
I would love to see this challenge
Should add a best out of 3 videos. Having just one battle and loosing too cheese is terrible. Also, i lost all my money on quickgg. Feelsbadman
Tyranitar for the win hopefully he smacks during the battle.
Great video love the close fights and as always gotta leave a like and comment 😎🎉
All baby mons with randomized stats. 2 skips. You can give one mon any one move.