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FULL ASCENDANCY REVEAL! (All Classes!) // Path Of Exile 2 Early Access

Yooo guys, GGG just revealed all of the ascendancies for the starting classes in Path of Exile 2!! Let’s break down all of the ascendancies and talk about which ones stand out the most. Hope you enjoy the breakdown!

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0:00 Intro
0:19 Stormweaver
2:56 Chronomancer
5:01 Titan
7:09 Warbringer
9:03 Deadeye
12:28 Pathfinder
15:09 Blood Mage
18:06 Infernalist
21:37 Witch Hunter
23:27 Gemling Legionnaire
25:23 Invoker
28:08 Acolyte of Chayula
31:16 Overall Thoughts

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  1. It’s 30% less damage taken from 1 hit. After the hit the tailwind obviously goes away losing the buff. It’s pretty good in a full evasion build since you just don’t get hit much at all lol

  2. Moxsy, as a person that played bleeding a lot on POE, i should tell you that blood barbs don't look so interesting because how bleeding works on POE, the bleeding damage on POE scales out of your phys damage, so if you're scaling cold damage you can't get big damage DOTs with bleeding. So all bleed players use phys skills and scale phys damage. You can have a secondary skill chilling and freezing the enemy but your main scaling will probably be phys, unless there is an unknown to this date unique item that let you scale 100% of your bleeding damage out of your elemental damage, it's POE after all, there will be a build that uses this node in the future for sure, but it's not a good route for now. Also, blood mage have good crit nodes, and bleeding don't crit wich makes investing in hits better for this class than in ailments. If you chose to go poison, know that poison scales out of chaos damage. Have a nice playthrough, i will be watching! =D

  3. Gemling Legionaire with Enhanced Effectiveness and then passive points like Polymathy, Jack of all Trades and all kind of gear that can gigajuice my attributes is what I'm gonna go for I think. I can literally make any build I want.

  4. Not sure how many people Noticed though, Blood mage, has a Mandatory node path to 1. Its the only Ascendancy to do so. The rest you can go anywhere, but for Blood Mage you have to go to 1.

  5. I think I’m finally sold on witch over monk. I couldn’t decide for a while out of those two, but witch’s ascendancies both look so fun to me. Monks overall quick gameplay still looks so fun though. I might end up just having to make 2 characters on launch and play them side by side. Gonna play with a friend so I might just play witch as my main and create a monk as a side solo character.

  6. for me its
    – infernalist, even though it looks way worse now,
    – bloodmage,
    – gemling boy minion build, or
    – gigatank shadow monk, with instant giga 14% mana leech, mind over matter, eldritch battery pure mana build, a million mana, unkillable regaining more than you spend with each cast, constantly healing.

  7. soooooo the gemguy is the best summoner character right? they all get +1 level, you can support two of them with minion damage and stuff, you reserve 30% less spirit with them if true(?).

  8. Gonna be my first POE…..i have no clue what im going for, at least 3 that stand out to me . but just gonna go with my gut on launch. No need to stress the game is gonna be life for a long while i reckon soooo plenty of time to check out multiple classes.

    Feel like the Chronomance has cast time freeze rn now because why isn't it the 6th yet……

  9. I am much less hyped for infernalist now… all her things come with VERY major downsides…
    having less life, lose life all the time, lose life even more from casting.. and no way to get that life back.

  10. Warcry Flicker Totems!
    Enduring cry with the notable to Turn endurance charges into Frenzy charges
    And summon a bunch of ancestral Spirits to make them Flicker all over the place

  11. I hope the dark monk has some new vfx on all the chaos flame damage effects. The preview in the previous videos GGG released just looked like the base monk fighting in a breach which is something we will be doing anyway in endgame. This is made worse when the invoker is doing all of this unique avatar shit. My wish is that the lightning, ice and wind effects has a purple tint when we unlock the darkness as a resource node. That would be pretty cool and sets the Dark monk apart from the invoker

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