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Scary Footage You Won’t Believe

From scary footage of a child who might have been pushed by a ghost to creepy footage of a possible cryptid caught on trail cam, we look at scary footage you won’t believe. #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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6. It’s already been 1 year since my baby girls leg got broken… https://www.tiktok.com/@kelseemiller/video/7145298982720490798
It’s all caught on CCTV… https://www.facebook.com/reel/564300335960031
5. Capturing an animal in your wildlife camera is quite natural… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=915651480712485
4. A woman named Lisa posted this photo to a group Paranormal Sightings stating that… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=903826835228283
3. Haunted home… https://www.facebook.com/reel/1793832487822266
2. Owner of the picture said… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=906827604928206
1. Zoom in on the Passenger Seat of the Vehicle… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=907552704855696

Abandoned Wires
By Hawea

By Lennon Hutton

It Lurks Below
By Trailer Worx

The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/

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  1. Kids slip alot in sandals/flip flops, but the force looks too strong to be just a slip, like normal for littles. Id be pissed off, if that were my daughter tho! How as the protector of my family, do i fight what i cannot see, fully comprehend or perceive? 😬

  2. That man who has to prove he's at work and alone needs to either end the relationship or find someone else who doesn't have trust issues. We don't know the circumstances of why she need the proof to begin with though that doesn't matter to us. It isn't right though. Nobody should have to endure that. I'm wondering if he loses concentration at work because of her checking in. Maybe she wants him fired so he's at home 24/7.

  3. The face in the wedding photo seems very small in comparison to everyone else. Even being right at the back it seems too small . Could it have just been edited in somehow or is there another explanation. In this case I don't think paranormal.

  4. 7:08 this is such an obvious hoax. The iron is just moving to two lineal directions with the same speed. The chair "following him" looks more like he is pulling it by a string. That being said he is kinda laughing in the backround and it seems like he isnt scared at all, although he is pretending being scared (very bad acting)

  5. Oh yeah man, definitely a ghost pushing down that little girl. I remember when my son was that age he would just fall down, SUDDENLY!😂😂😂
    but soon he did something amazing! He learned how to WALK AROUND WITHOUT FALLING DOWN!!!

  6. Regarding the vid showing the cameraman chanting Arabic as the iron is moving on the wood table; it's likely the angry ghost of a female that was abused & worked to death by controlling males in their culture. In that culture, women have no rights. You are considered a possession placed here to clean their house, cook their meals, wash the skid marks from the drawers of males, have their children & NEVER , EVER offer your opinion nor offer your wisdom. Even alive, you are not to be seen, regarded nor heard.

  7. This child did not simply fall. She was pushed with force–enough force to break her leg. Children fall all the time, but they don't break bones unless they fall from heights. There IS something peculiar occurring here.

  8. 10:07 the car:

    This happens to me all of the time. I see spirits in my peripheral and check. Most of the times when I check again- nothing is there. But they are there. Family members do visit you all. My brother comes most of the time and he just sees me weep and he knows how very hard it is for me to live without him. My younger brother was my biggest fan/saw me. Wrote lyrics for me. No one could ever write lyrics for me. The lyrics would end up commercially washed and not in that Kendrick Lamar or someone well known who makes things awaken when they drop something. My brother was invited to other countries just for dropping small gems. He actually made things you all heard- however it was through theft. All these locally well known artists wanted his songs. My youngest brothers should have been well-known long ago.

    But yes, spirits exist & now my loved one: is one.

    Don’t be terrified or frightened. This is apart of Life- how things work you all.

  9. Back in the late 60's I spent 2 years at Ft. Dix New Jersey. I was always around the pine barrens there. I had never seen anything like these things. I heard creepy stories from that area and spent several weekends camping out there. Every now and then there would be a fox or a wild dog come around looking for food that we carried with us. We would feed them and any other thing like racoons, opossums, birds, and every now and then a deer. But never feed and Jersey Devil or big Black Dogs. And we were looking for them too.

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