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Your mascara guide – drugstore edition

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  1. For people in the UK, No7's tubing mascara is my go-to. Its so easy to take off and holds the curl and gives enough length for me for an everyday look. Maybe not the best mascara out there but the easy removal makes it the best when youre tired after a long day.

  2. telescopic is not good in my opinion, If you have sensitive skin/lashes. I had a slight burning feel and tingling. Otherwise it does come off easily and does lengthen as the reviewer has mentioned.

  3. the green essence lash princess wasnt the one for me, it was kinda clumpy, it was smudging under my eye and i looked like i havent slept in a week, and taking it off was baad, it gave me a black eye and around my eyelashes it stayes black cuz it was really hard to take off, but the burgundy haze sky high is so much better, doesn't smudge or flake for me through out the day and very easy to take off only with water, comes off in little clumps but doesn't smudge, it's like a tubing mascara (idk if it is or not) but i love it and if you cry it will stay on pretty good too, but if you wet your lashes and wait a little you can easily pull it off in clumps, but if you don't wanna take it off you vab let it dry and it won't come off

  4. Not everyone hating on the lash princess 😭 personally I think it’s really great and lengthens my eyelashes. I’m someone who loves mascara that makes my eyelashes PITCH BLACK and really voluminous and thick. The lash princess totally does that on me! I think the lash princess is 10/10!!

  5. I haven’t tried The green lash princess but i tried The blue one AND IT WAS A NIGHTMARE, wouldnt recomend to anyone who uses micellar water as makeup remover, 1 you Think its all gone, 2 when you wake up there are leftovers under your eyes from The mascara. It dries out quickly when you put it on + it feels so clumpy!

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