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ALONE at the MOST HAUNTED House in the WORLD (30 East Drive)

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  1. "150 likes, 36 dislikes, thats just the way it goes"….

    Okay my theory is that the reason you weren't drawing out the poltergeists is cos after being called out as pussies, cowards and all manner of bitchez, the poltergeists were too busy to deal with you cos they were logging straight onto youtube to start smashing the dislike button lol

    "Fred. have you EVER been more outraged in your life?! He just called you a bitch!!"
    "I know right!! This guy's supposed to be shitting himself. What the fuck is wrong with people these days?!? Fuck throwing things at him, we're gonna have to get street on this guy. Pass me that laptop we're gonna hit this fooker right where it hurts"

  2. So Glad I found you're channel love Griff ❤️ 😊and ste you're so funny with your Banter im so scared to watch but love it you Guys are so Genuine 😮❤😮❤😮❤😮❤

  3. I heard about your channel from Adelaide Haunted Horizons (Kag & Alison). I LOVE those ladies!! They're always so POLITE to whatever spirits may be around.
    I'm surprised to hear you antagonizing potential spirits and calling them names. The only time behaviour like that could be acceptable would be if you were attacked. To lead with agression is just plain rude 😿.

  4. What an evil looking doll is there been a made movie of 30 east drive ? Demons can stay dormant so people don't know their there it's what they do this so people move in to homes but if your sensitive like me to them you know that they are there.. sorry steph but that prayer sounds like its mocking god because of the voice you're using i know you probably don't realise that but usually a demon will attach itself to someone new they can also come and go from a home so be careful..

  5. Poor Carol having to put up with that night after night, why cant you be quieter and more respectable . Justin just told us the same thing over and o er all the time he was there.

  6. There was so much thumping that you missed when you were in the coal shed griff. If you have some studio headphones you pick up so much thudding. And like walking round upstairs. Sophia was really brave bless her. But even then there was thumps which nobody seemed to pick up on.

  7. My goal is to visit 30 East drive. I would absolutely love to go here and just experience whatever wonderful thing is happening. These are absolutely my favorite videos. This place is breathtaking. I would love maybe a tour of the place before investigating. I am in love with this house.
    Much love from the states!❤️💕🤟🏻

  8. I think you should try the 'dont do' method with Freddy and his rabble.!
    Try… "DON'T make the light fitting move", and, "don't you 🤬ing dare make a noise", and see how things go. It can't be any more of a waste of time than doing what you, and everybody else does.

  9. 👻👻😭😭😭👻👻👻😭😭.

    Disappointed with this house…
    Of all the things that have supposedly happened there, and, all the things that the residents have supposedly gone through, but, nothing close, from ANYONE who has ever been there to do an investigation. Loads of channels and individuals have been and tried to get Fred to give em a slap, but, apart from a few rempods going off, and that's about it.
    Rich 🥰🥰🥰.

  10. That lords prayer thing, SHOULD get results with us, in our houses, if played out loud, cast'd to our telly's eh.?🤔?.I should start filming rather than typing these messages out.🤔😂.
    Rich 🥰🥰🥰

  11. Alright lads.
    From another group at the infamous 30 East Drive…
    👻🤔What do you make of Carl and his mate, from the channel with Yvette Fielding, getting their wrists/lower arms, kinda burnt🤔👻?
    If you've seen it, can you please tell me what you think happened there🤔.
    Keep'em coming lads.
    Rich 🥰🥰🥰.

  12. Thanks for that creepy ass doll. Like im going to sleep tonight.i think this demon is loving the fact that you all want it to do something. Its pissing you off and loves it. Manipulates people, thats what demons do. Griff u kill me. The spirits are screwing with you all laughing.

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