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The Ancient Ram Inn – England’s Most Haunted House

We enter one of Englands most haunted locations that is home to the Succubus Incubus Demon, the Ancient Ram Inn.
We spend all night in this terrifying location looking for poltergeist/paranormal activity on camera so we can show the world ghosts exist.

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or demons the things we caught on camera and experienced inside this haunted house is scary and we caught everything on tape!

This content may be considered extremely disturbing to some and should be watched at viewers own discretion. The things we caught on camera are that of unexplained phenomenon and shocking paranormal activity.

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This content may be considered extremely controversial or disturbing so it should be watched at viewers own discretion.
Any activity we may capture on camera is that of real poltergeist and paranormal phenomenon that will shock you and leave you questioning what is real.
#Paranormal #Haunted #Poltergeist

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  1. The four Amigos love your Banter Guys so Funny 😁 you should do more videos with all 4 of yous Absolutely Brilliant you Guys are so funny 😁 😮❤😮❤😮❤😮❤

  2. So funny Guys listening to all your banter 😅😂 I'm so Glad I found you're channel love Griff ❤️ 😊 I'm scared to watch but also lol 😱 ❤😮❤😮❤😮❤😮

  3. Went to investigate on the weekend, we had most experiences in the barn. Big K2 spikes and cat balls going off when calling out. Also a disembodied groan. A great location 👍

  4. The witch hanging in the living room that you mentioned is a kitchen witch.. ot actually should be hung in the kitchen, and when you guys said the place was a booby trap, the first thing i thought was The Raiders of the Lost Arc….

  5. I'm just watching this one now, 10.30 Saturday night here in Tassie and at 33.06 you can see a light/orb above the brown patch chair and just before that you can clearly see one come up over the door, hope you see this comment Ste because there's something there and you didn't see it.

  6. We have 3 willing victims here. So who wants the Incubus and who wants the succubus?
    I have been here a few times myself, when John was around. We could not get assess to the attic as John said the fat mediums who visited, went through the floor. To be honest personally I never felt any bad vibes here. Though it was worth it just to listen to John's stories. We did manage to capture what appeared as an apparition on video but the place was so cluttered, it would be hard to prove.
    Glad to see the place is still going and keeping up the buildings reputation. It is a fantastic little building.

  7. There are no ghosts boys? If you have a diferent opinion prove it. You said yourself you had done 120 diferent cases and never seen anything. These stories are made up by nutters or people who want to make money.

  8. I know it's been 8 months since this was released, but @20:21 as Griff grabs the lamp there's male voice that say's "Get Out!" & He sounds pretty pis*ed off too…

    Actually it sounds like he says in a couple times. The first time it sounds like he says "Get… Out…"

  9. I believe much of the activity is being generated by an attachment to the African masks and that red 'demon' mask from Indonesia. I was reading about someone's experiences with these items. Once they were out of the person's house, the problems stopped. Although I think there is SO much history here, it may only calm it down a bit. However I think the owners may want to keep their spirits around for the tourists and paranormal enthusiasts! Thanks, guys, love from Australia! xxx

  10. I was there December 2018 & was in the attic by myself. I took random pictures of that mirror & on viewing them back I was shocked to see what I had captured. I beleive it was some kind of porthole from our world 2 theirs, the imagery coming through was extremely disturbing. In the living room I also caught an orb flying over the fireplace.

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