[PoE 2] Witch Hunter Bleed Bow Endgame Update

Friendship ended with Split Arrow, now Spiral Volley is my best friend
Build Guide:
0:00 Mapping Showcase
0:55 Bossing Showcase
2:03 Introduction
3:20 Skill Links
3:43 Frenzy Charge Tech w/ Seerpent’s Egg
4:03 Skills Continued
7:06 Gear
11:00 Passive Tree
12:21 Jewels
13:00 Playstyle
13:50 Atlas Tree
14:20 Mobalytics Guide Page
14:40 Conclusion
#pathofexile2 #pathofexile #bleedbow
Can someone tell me how to add socked to basic skill like Bow Shot ?
I can´t make this thing work. Spent all my money on respeccing from greandier … Now I am broke. My spiral volley does seem to miss, it turns nerver green /does not build up charges … HELP
Cant seem to get anywhere on act 3. Solo damage is lkke low asf and so is grp damage have a pretty upgraded bow but atill almost 0 dps why?
Is this build tanky?
Hey nice work, im also playing something similar and having a blast, im currently lvl 90 running 15-16 maps and im having a huge problem with bosses that have alot of energie shield. since they scale more and more and im currently unable to get the shield down, since the bleeding only works on life not ES. do u have a solution ?
Gonna be trying this out soon. Kinda sad that the crossbow can't be used for this though
We need a update on this!
can attack speed / cast speed reduce the charging duration of snipe?
This build must have gotten stronger today right?
Strange hearing prices in ex again lol
Why no Hunters Mark for frenzy charges?
spiral volley buffs soon probably LOGIN
isnt it better to pick deadeye? Also why didnt you pick "Goring" node on skill tree?
Doesn't this do much more damage from Deadeye Ascendency?
Hey, have you tried detonating arrow? No one uses it and I am curious if it is worth making a build around.
How to get Chaos Res on Serpen Egg Amu ?
How u add some slots on Bow Shot?
Wait wait. I think there is a BIG mistake here. Increase bleeding duration is very bad for DPS right? The total amount of damage for bleed is fixed so increasing the duration reduces the damage per second. We need reduced duration instead?
Hey Jay, is there any reason not to put pin and lockdown on arrow rain to generate frenzy charges?
hey Jaytx, Any ways to reduce the cast time on empowered snipe shot? This is the only thing that makes me hesitate to go try this out as this can be very punishing in boss fights
Nice build, thanks for sharing! How did you color your bow shot red?
What's the bleed chance?
nice build,want to try tihs!
My english is not good,have question,
Any second wep skill recommend?
I think I bricked myself by respeccing too early into this (Level 49) I am doing such bad damage I can barely do Act 1 cruelty mode now, when before it was a breeze
I',m here to support! Listen to Jay guys, he can make Bleed work at any situation (according to him haha)
What is the ascendancy order?
Has anyone played this and a grenadier? Any opinions on how they compare clear and dps wise
Gj, you just got me to reroll my lvl 78 grenade mercenary to this mercenary from scratch. Grenade is fun and all with all the explosions but boss fight suck and the delay is oh so annoying.
i wana say, Bleed and Poison can be Increased x3 times.but not in direct way. its different play style. Break armor Fragmentation rounds with Poison and arnor break=>High velosity rounds with bleed + Infection from Witch. Cuz its Refresh all DoTs,spread and also Increase power of all DoTs to 300% its more about map cleaning.
Thank you for doing something new! I have been trying to find even a clip of someone using bow skills other than lightning or poison builds. Looks like fun! Can anyone explain how acrobatics works ? "Can evade all hits" certainly doesn't mean that you cannot be hit right? how exactly does this work? sounds impossibly good.
Figured out the bleed chance. Great video awesome as always!
Ayy I was thinking about that spin around shooting skill, but ended up rolling a summoner for a first char. Glad bleed bow is viable, it looks fun.
I don't get it is hunter or witch?
Omfg a bleed bow build! I love bleed bow before they got gutted on poe 1.
Arg you making this hard on me XD
Hey man, love the build, I've been leveling it and it feels great. I do have a question however. Isn't culling strike and decimating a bit lackluster compared to the concentration and 30% more dmg on bossfight, I'd love to have your input on the ascendency ! Cheers 🙂
Are the skill gems in order of prioity for the mobalytics guide? As Im just starting out and only have 2 slots for each skill.
Bro sorry I got gemlin legionare U think i can somehow adapt???
I wonder if it is possible to make a bleed xbow.
this build looks realy nice cant wait to try it out.the written guide is also really well explained. good stuff man subcribed 🙂
Wouldn't deadeye be better ?
Does this also work as a Ranger or are the Witch Hunter perks mandatory?
Do you have to calculate bleed chance manually?