Path of Exile 2: Beware This Witch-Hunter Noob Trap! 😱 | Mercenary Ascendancy Guide

Path of Exile 2 is full of complex mechanics, and as a Mercenary, I fell for a noob trap in the Witch-Hunter Ascendancy! 💀 The ‘bonus skill points’ aren’t what they seem—they’re tied to different weapon sets and might not be useful for your build. 🚨 If you’re exploring Path of Exile 2 classes, don’t make this mistake! Watch to learn how to avoid this trap and optimize your build. 👀 Subscribe for more Path of Exile 2 guides, tips, and gameplay!
#PathofExile2 #MercenaryClass #WitchHunter #NoobTrap #GamingTips #ARPG #POE2 #PathofExileGuide
In any skill tree if I read something that makes me think I get 20 extra points — my first move is to read it again. My 2nd move is to google if it's for real.
Illiterate retard trap
"you just didnt read it right" typical miserable existence comments.
As someone who played next to no poe1, I could have told you what this did.
Reading the card explains the card.
I believe this node is pretty cool it opens up for some cooking very strong build archetype
….um witch hunter is better… between decimate and culling everything melts
It sais weapon set… Anyways witchhunter is very good. Go to the right and middle ascendency paths and go for explosive bolt and gas. Youll be fine
I did as well and I end so pissed and deleted it.. And started a new one
I haven't played enough of two yet, but back in one you could change your ascendancy after unlearning the passives and rerunning the lab
Witchhunter is cracked. I delete maps with one move. If you think your toon is "bricked" then you truly are a noob
glad to see you playing poe 2
U r dumb
You keep acting like its a noob trap and its not. You didnt read
What do you mean bricked? Culling strike decimating strike with explode is super good.
You just dony know how to play the game 😂😂 true noob for thinking its bad.
Not a noob trab. You just dont read.
First time playing any poe game. By now you should have realized what those are, i fumbled a bit when i was lvl 15 with this, then i learned how they work. Not rocket science
I still don't understand. What does this skill even do?
It would be useful if you explained what it actually does. Makes the viewer experience better. "Hey im a noob dont do this because xyz and this actually does xyz"
Yo robot! I been playing Po2 too ! 😅sick game huh
You're not very bright
Witch Hunter is great man. Just gotra build around it. Culling strike is fantastic
Lean into culling strike dude its strong asf
God. The elitist gatekeeping "get good" comments infest every single poe 2 video regardless of creator or content. I hope to god GGG does something that makes the old guard abandon PoE2 and go back to PoE 1 so we can have just a sliver of hope of building an actual good non-gatekeeping community. Seriously you people need to touch grass. This is coming from someone who has played 1000's of hours of diablo 2. In that game you know what i would have commented if this guy had made a video of messing up his build in diablo 2? "Hey man that sucks! Would you like a token of absolution to respec? Can give it to you on ladder free of charge." You know. Something not massively egotistical that doesnt make me look like an elitist douchebag? Thanks for the video man. Im closing in on my first ascendancy with my merc and this was a nice headsup. Keep up the good work and dont let these pale husks of what used to be normal people get you down.
Idk who would make that mistake, the text is very clear. Also Witch Hunter is better than Legionnare
You got noob traped to better ascendancy man. Witchhunter is soo fun. Yeah i got to try gemlink lately but witchhunter was not bad decision.
not a noob trap buddy, you just didnt read it.
I definitely did that same thing
Literally took me less than 3 hours to rebuild a merc from my first ascendancy….
Yes u are noob, and apparently cant read
witch hunter is far more popular and equally viable, you'll figure something out, and make a gemling later
So you didnt read it?
Im not asian and didnt fall for that.