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Updated BEST Explosive Shot Witchhunter Build Guide | Path of Exile 2

Updated BEST Explosive Shot Witchhunter Build Guide | Path of Exile 2

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  1. I don't feel like I conveyed this very well. In my opinion, the mercenary feels much weaker due to these shortcomings. However, you can still complete every bit of content I've seen so far—it just seems better suited for other classes.

    Keep in mind that while melee is armor-heavy, they have a shield that blocks 75% or more of incoming attacks, and with Warbringer, they can even block ground attacks. The mercenary doesn't have that luxury. I'm not debating whether melee is worse—I know it is—just pointing out that both are pretty bad at the moment.

  2. I have almost 4k armure on my level 70 character. Very good dammage but ultra slow pace gameplay because I have to constantly dodgeroll and spam potions. My friend with his 2900 energy Shield can face tank the same dammage…. I probably have to start a new character at that point because as a casual gamer, I can no longer investigation in a poorly balance character

  3. Ok so i tested this weisted my all gold and i found out this build cant effectivly kill any bosses in chaos trails or Sakhama matata trail :d
    Guys keep this in mind if you plan to use it good for T15 maps but bossing suk on this

  4. witchhunter was my first char, agree it is very frustrating in the end game. Not only defense is horrible because of no energy shield, also the crossbow reload is super annoying.

  5. Sorcery Ward will be pretty good if Lightning Coil gets added to the game. I wanted to start witchhunter and sorcery ward, but when i saw that the only good option was cloak of flame i decided against it.

  6. could i follow this as a gemling legionare? i was using your other guide for gem but then u made the switch to witchhunter and i dont feel like grinding through it all to get to maps again.

  7. I have found the radiant hood gas grenade build much better to play just as far as gameplay goes. Not having to use your explosive shot or reload whatsoever feels incredible. Not sure how damage lines up but I’m getting close to tier 10 maps and have only had slight dps problems on bosses

  8. Dude is only lvl 85 lol, i'm lvl 94 witchhunter with 200+ divine gears, who tried 3 whole different builds. And there is NO WAY you can beat end game bosses, which is how you earn 20 divine in one run. So stop watching this kind of guides, just reroll

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