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PoE 2: Strongest Bolts-Only Crossbow Build Leveling and Endgame

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In this video we go over my (pure) projectile-based crossbow build in Path of Exile 2, a very fun build that destroys Act 1-3, Cruel Act 1-3 and Endgame. Making good use of lightning synergies and various skills. Also comes with high mobility since we utilize a rather unorthodox playstyle (that dynamically happens so feels very smooth). Clears maps easily and performs exceptionally well versus bosses. Doesn’t require any gear to go online (i just used mostly shite gear that I found, didn’t trade or targetfarm anything) making it accessible to anyone wanting to try this out. I cleared with this build up to T15s quite easily, Endgame video is also in the works. Do you want it? Let me know in the comments.


Crossbows can also be mounted as a proxy grenade launcher, for a grenades based build that is also insanely strong, check my other video if that’s more your cup of tea: https://youtu.be/2XfYrJp87mI

ULTIMATE STARTER’S GUIDE: https://youtu.be/ERjI-2BJ39A

Build planner: https://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/profile/462a6cbb-bfb4-43da-ad47-0e082e71241d/builds/ef9b9428-3ca1-4c70-a097-711ac10fdd51

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0:00 My Bolts-Only Rage Lightning Crossbow Build
1:04 Pre Plasma Blast vs. Post Plasma Blast
1:21 Playstyle and Early On Build: Act 1 – 3
4:46 Crossbow With Lightning Damage Early
8:30 Playstyle and Main Build: Cruel Act 1 – 3 and Endgame
13:44 Why I Use A Shield
15:34 Let’s Start Raging
17:07 Persistent Buffs
18:32 Skills And Honorable Mentions
19:10 Passive Skill Tree (and how to move through it)
21:06 Ascendancy
21:30 Gear

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  1. Great vid and build, but you forgot to mention one thing:

    Those 3 spirit skills (Herald of Thunder, Wind Dancer and Overwhelming Presence) require a LOT of DEX or STR as pre-requisite (164 at Tier 17 Gem). As a DEX/STR Mercenary, with those both attributes always balanced (ex: at lv 70, a Ranger has 160 DEX, while Mercenary has 80 DEX and 80 STR), it is hard to get all those Spirit Skill at full desirable level… I had to search for lower tiers of Spirit Gems to make it possible, because it is impossible at lv 80 have 160+ of DEX & STR each. Is there any solution or optmization available? Thanks and keep up the amazing work!

  2. This is the best video for new players I've seen. I literally had no idea what was going on until I watched your video. I took your build as a baseline and made some changes that worked for me, and I'm having a lot of fun with the game. Thanks dude!

  3. Can anyone give me advice on how to either speed up the wind up time on Plasma Blast or make it so that the wind up doesnt get canceled if i get hit? I find it ap frustrating to use because of how long it takes to wind up and how if youre in the middle of the wind up and get hit, it can cancel it out.

  4. Now sure if I miss it in the video.

    But what did you all pick at Campaign Vials – Act 3 Normal – Mana Regen or Ailment Threshold ?

    Thanks kindly.

    PS: Guide still rock, All ready at end of Normal Act 3, Fast run i have to now 🙂

  5. your set up helped me so much. i was already on the lighting path, have may own unique passive build, wrecking in cruelty 1 act 3. your insight on how things work and how to coordinate skills, elevated my build and experience immensely. thank you my dude

  6. If your stun chance is high enough, is it worth using auto reload on stun for galvanic shards? I was running around almost never having to reload until bosses. Wondering how hard it makes the other skills if you spec out of reload. Guess I'll test it! Thanks for the build!

  7. I am using this build and found a unique crossbow called the Rampart Raptor Tense Crossbow, and it makes this build into a straight machine gun. Using Galvanic Shards with it just erases screens. I grew a pair and Vaal'd it and got more damage on it luckily. It's insane.

  8. I have been referring to this video a lot as I level up my mercenary (steadily, just hit 50, as only get some time to play) and your info has been really helpful, thank you!

  9. always love your vids man they're top notch in every way! been loving this build and it easily carried me to endgame in two only days with some tweaks for survivability, would love to see a follow up to see what you find

  10. You just gave me an idea for a warbringer build. Take the armor break passives that also allow u to break armor below 0. Use weapon swap with a bow and use scattershot to triple the amount of armor break (gas grenades spread out too much), also add the duration get to make it last longer, the 800% shock chance arrow, forgot the name, shockburst and high velocity rounds. You shoot the gas arrows, the shock arrow, melt the boss with shockburst and if the boss is somehow still alive when the armor break is about to wear off, shoot a high velocity round to finish it off. Could use plasma blast instead of the shock arrow but I think the long charge time would be too annoying for a skill that u use just for shocking and would also mean now you have a 3rd dmg skill that you most likely won't have enough gems for.

  11. This build quite literally changed poe 2 for me, and the video was absolutely perfect at explaining what im supposed to do without overloading the explanation.

    Please for the endgame version!

  12. Went from playing blind with galv shards to grenades cuz everyone told me to use it, to finding this video and finaly switch back to lighnting stuff ! Awesome guide ! Please follow this up with some endgame videos 🙂

  13. Although I've been playing ARPGs for years, I've been struggling with POE2. I've tried Witch (twice), Sorcerer (twice), Monk, and Mercenary (twice). This is one of only two builds I've been able to get into the later acts (the other being monk). It's so strong and easy to play — thanks so much!

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