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1996 Sasquatch Daze with Dr. Jeff Meldrum (Part 1 of 6)

Many thanks goes out to Larry Lund (for videotaping the event), Gene Robinson (for getting the videos to my house), and Stephen Harvey for organizing the event.

On May 4–5, 1996 Sasquatch Daze took place in Harrison Hot Springs. Organized by Stephen Harvey, the event featured several speakers of high repute involved in Sasquatch research. This video will feature part 1 (of 6) of Dr. Jeff Meldrum’s presentation. This is Dr. Meldrum’s inaugural presentation on the Redwoods video.

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  1. I had to go to the other channel you suggested to get the full context, however tape is way to poor to make out much. Dr. Meldrum put it in the 7 to 8 foot range. Someone mentioned it seemed to be carrying a dead snake – who knows. They have a neat way of dealing with rattlesnakes, and probably other snakes also. They quickly pick them up by the tail and snap them like a whip and this pops there heads off, so I have been told.

  2. Todd, is there a copy of the full Redwoods video available? I’ve seen the news magazine clip and the Letterman interview but I’d love to see the uncut original that Jeff is showing here.

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